Someone Needs to Punch Donald Trump in His Mouth


The Democrats better SHOW black and brown folks how they’re gonna kick Donald Trump’s ass because he is trying to start some serious shit and he is desperate enough to do crazy stuff.

Don’t talk policy, talk shit.

While Congressional Oversight continues and various jurisdictions investigate Trump, party Democrats not involved in oversight or investigation, must go hard against the President and do so without any due respect.

Democrats are NEVER gonna satisfy the white people they’re trying not to piss off, so they might as well impress the people in the GOP crosshairs.

National Democrats are never gonna win if they don’t show the folks whose vote they absolutely need, (those who made up the “Obama Coalition”) that they know who they are, that they value them and they’ll go to war with the GOP to defend them.

When all is said and done the Democrats must acknowledge they’re depending on their votes because in order for too many of these people to vote they must leap all the hurdles and break all the barriers the right-wing has placed between them and the polling booth.

Robert Mueller is going to testify today and after that, the Republicans are going to continue to swear there was “No collusion, no obstruction!”

The Democrats will have to go after their congressional counterparts and rather than argue conspiracy theory with them over the Report, (or make them defend the President’s racist bullshit), they need to make the Republicans eat every bit of every fact. They need to hit the Sunday shows and literally tell Chuck Todd to cut the bullshit.

This guy is a crook who is only trying to stay in office so he won’t go to jail. He will do ANYTHING to protect himself and that includes igniting armed revolt. He, with ready acquiescence of the GOP donor base, will burn down this nation.

Get this prick out of the White House by impeachment or election and if that takes “LOCK HIM UP! LOCK UP HIM UP!” so be it. Yep.

You want chants? We got chants!

Media pundits always describe politics of the left and the right as if it is on a football gridiron with the political center occupying the areas between the forty five yard lines.

Of course that’s bullshit, but since we’re using football analogies; Who is gonna be the Democrat’s special teams player who blows up the Republican’s wedge on kickoff?

Yes. A Democrat with legitimate national authority has to punch Trump in the mouth knowing full well the right wing backlash is gonna hurt like hell. That person should be a national candidate whose frontal assault will be pretty indefensible by the GOP as long as they are getting slapped with facts like who’s benefiting from Trump policy and who’s getting fucked.

I nominate Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, (D-N.Y.) because she’s going nowhere and face it, many Democrats are STILL mighty pissed about her leading the torch and pitchfork brigade against former Sen. Al Franken, (D-Minn.) Sen. Chuck Schumer(D-N.Y.) has to shoulder the lion’s share of the blame for the lack of due process, but he’s the LAST guy you want out front trading haymakers with Trump, guy can’t even figure how to wear goddamn glasses!

Be mad at Gillibrand but understand politics ain’t beanbag. With Franken, she saw the opportunity and she took it and now comes the political payback to the party – she owes them.

So Senator Gillibrand go get that bastard! Take this one for the team and go down in history with Joseph Welch.


3 thoughts on “Someone Needs to Punch Donald Trump in His Mouth

  1. Yes, Dems have to stop playing to the imaginary center. Thanks for pointing that out, because it bears lots of repeating. They need to get Independents to where they’ll stop being so polite and realize it’s okay to pull back the veils over the administration and the bogus nature of its various claims of policy victories.

    Gillibrand would be a logical choice, in your scenario. She also has a waffle-rich past with issues like gun control and immigration, which the Obama coalition also haven’t quite forgotten. Sure, she had to unseat a Republican in the NY House, but that “A” rating from the NRA doesn’t quite get mended by a mea culpa moment on Rachel Maddow.

    This is “Barton,” from Elba, signing off.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I’m absolutely nobody. But I am a Democrat who’d be happy to punch that orange painted anus mouth. Not to go down in history. For my kids. And, to be perfectly honest, because it’d feel really, really good.

    Liked by 2 people

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