Accommodation politics is losing politics. Now we fight!

Nothing’s difficult. Everything’s a challenge. Through adversity to the stars. From the last plane to the last bullet to the last minute to the last man — we fight. WE fight! WE FIGHT!

Due process . . . really?

No one on the right despairs over due process when police kill unarmed young men; in fact, those victims are blamed for their own demise by dissection of and judgment about their teenage lives. “Well, you know that kid was no angel,” or through deflection, “What about blacks killing blacks in Chicago? Why aren’t you protesting that?” The fact the latter has NOTHING to do with black people being summarily executed in the street by agents of the government is immaterial. That doesn’t fit into the acceptable narrative of the aggrieved white male.

Folks on the right were screaming about the lack of due process, as in how awful life had become for Judge Brett Kavanaugh because of some “youthful indiscretion” when Dr. Christine Blasey Ford accused him of sexually assaulting her in 1982 when both were in high school. The only sanction Judge Kavanaugh might have suffered — and ultimately didn’t — was he might have been denied a promotion because as a young man he was a drunken lout . . . and people talking about “his life has been destroyed.” If he hadn’t been confirmed by the Senate he could have just stayed in his position on the circuit court, but nah! Let’s scream about the injustice of it all. Forget Dr. Blasey Ford was rewarded for her efforts with death threats and having to take her family into hiding while Kavanaugh secured a lifetime position on the Supreme Court.

Trump then “apologized” to Kavanaugh on behalf of the nation, but he has never apologized for demanding the execution of the Central Park Five before their trial, nor after their exoneration.

Why are elite white men, with ALL the advantages of this society, acting so VICTIMIZED when they literally control the entire government? The recent confirmation process for Kavanaugh exhibited everything you need to know about the state of our nation. Guys like him deserve everything they get from life. They’re supposed to get what they want because they were born into the world as “Masters of the Universe.” Meanwhile, professional athletes make statements of protest against police brutality and they’re admonished to “just shut up and play,” advised to be “grateful” that society allows them to use their talent and skill for financial success.

The Republican Party is in the process of locking out 90 percent from the blessings of this bountiful country. They are filling up the moat, pulling up the drawbridge and dropping the portcullis. Their mission has been to protect the territory of rich white men from the rabble, demographic shifts be damned.

Tax cuts, regulatory rollbacks, development and exploitation of protected lands and enough federal judges to make it all legal, plus the Supreme Court to protect the results of their legislative looting. What’s strange and very disturbing about this is the GOP controls the entire federal government and they’re STILL pissed!

They’re plenty upset because the left and Democrats haven’t folded their tents and gone slinking off as the majority of old school “moderate” pundits deem is the right thing for them to do. “Kavanaugh has been confirmed, the GOP won this time. Get over it and move on” is their message. That’s not going to happen, because people on the left are pissed, especially women and specifically black women. They saw the GOP exercise raw, naked power as it proclaimed, “this is a nation by, of and for rich white men and don’t you forget it!”

But, while crowing about the Kavanaugh victory, the leadership and shills for the GOP are simultaneously expressing how terrified they are by the left’s determination to seize power “at any cost through the rule of the mob.” Let’s forget about the Unite The Right gathering where “some very fine people” in khakis and polos marched by torchlight through Charlottesville, Va. chanting “Jews will not replace us!” The next day, an avowed white supremacist rammed his American muscle car into a crowd injuring many and killing one. Yet, the GOP would have everyone believe the left is plotting violence even though their president has advocated the imprisonment of his political rivals and basked in the glow of fervent hatred directed against his enemies, with chants of “Lock her up!”

This “strategy” of conflating protestors with violent mobs is the political equivalent of cops beating the living shit out of an unarmed and restrained “suspect” while screaming “STOP RESISTING! STOP RESISTING!” They are creating a dangerous and destructive narrative depicting liberals as violent while demanding a “return to civility and comity” in politics after figuratively nailing liberal pelts on the walls of government since Newt Gingrich and his 1990s “Contract on America.”

Pundits will cluck their tongues at the protestors and insist agitation on the left will stimulate backlash on the right. They’ll counsel people to restrain their rhetoric so as not to pump up enthusiasm among the opposition to defend their president and protect him by maintaining majorities in the House and Senate.

Bullshit. They’re gonna be mad anyway; they were mad for eight years of Obama. But “back off, libs, if you know what’s good for your cause. There is too much acrimony and a lack of civility in our political process and liberals must focus on a positive overarching message of reconciliation and healing . . .”

Fuck that! Take it to the streets and stay there. Raise holy hell at the polls!

Accommodating people are not angry people, and in this political situation being accommodating is a losing strategy. The GOP has been running on fear and resentment since the mid ’60s and their victories have predictable results. The GOP wins elections until they fuck up so badly they get thrown out. Then they exploit racial fear, resentment and anger to mobilize their shrinking base and are voted back in to fuck up everything and wreak havoc again.

The Republican Party has reached the point where it is a danger to the republic. The party must be defeated at the polls this year, 2019 and 2020 all across the length and width of our nation. The Democratic messaging must be sharp, accurate and HARD AS FUCK!

The Democrats have to match the GOP intensity, and in this cycle, the Supreme Court fight was some hellacious motivation for the Democratic base. The problem with the polling in this go-round is pollsters measure the responses of likely voters. In that category the GOP should be tightening the spread because they got a resentment bump from Kavanaugh. Why not? Before Kavanaugh they had nowhere to go but up, so a bump is just what it sounds like, a bump.

Last month, 800,000 folks registered to vote in one day. How many of them were considered likely voters? Don’t sleep on the Blue Wave because it is right where it was before Kavanaugh; Dems favored to get the House with a “chance” to get the Senate and that chance was always slim.

But if Democrats are to prevail and ultimately move this nation forward to a “more perfect union,” they have to win and win NOW. Democrats must take the House and slam the brakes on this kleptomaniacal administration. Hearings, investigations, subpoenas and Inspector General reports and everything including the fucking kitchen sink. That will at least neuter Trump up to the point when folks start spouting how we should “be better than them” and start talking about getting past the anger and “working together” for the sake of the nation. That is the biggest bunch of bullshit.

There are no conservatives in the Republican Party, the party is a wholly owned subsidiary of their “donor base” billionaires whose only conservative value is to use their money to buy the society they want. A society where they rule completely, forever Amen . . . until the Rapture.

No one likes to admit they’ve been suckered, so trying to flip Trump supporters is an exercise in futility. However, with the embers of the Kavanaugh confirmation conflagration still smoldering, the white women who provided Trump with 53 percent of their votes had to see the Republicans declare themselves the party of old, rich, white men. Maybe a significant number of them will realize the privileges they enjoy derived from white patriarchy will only be there as long as GOP men allow them to be. Maybe then they will decide to stop supporting policies detrimental to them, not as white women, but as women.

The Republican Party has outlived its efficacy and has, in fact, become what its leader accuses the Fourth Estate of being — an enemy of the people. In order for this grand experiment in democracy to continue into the future, its politics must be allowed to evolve to meet the needs of its growing diverse populations, and that is anathema to the GOP. In order to save the nation AND the principles of conservative politics, the GOP must be destroyed.

It must go the way of Carthage. Its structure battered into bits, the rubble burned to ash, the ashes salted and sowed into the earth, never to grow again.

From the last county, to the last district, to the last precinct to the last ballot — we fight. WE fight! WE FIGHT!

4 thoughts on “Accommodation politics is losing politics. Now we fight!

  1. This is so, so good. Thank you, and please accept my sincere admiration.

    Of course the Reichwingers are pissed- I think a lot of them truly believed that this country would go back to the Fifties. A golden age when Gays stayed in their closets, Black people stayed in the back of the bus, and women not only stayed in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant, but were supposedly happy to do so. That of course was very, very stupid on the part of the Trumpanzees. And now they are suffering the double indignity of knowing that they were suckered by a known con man…and being completely unable to do anything about all those broken promises of his. They feel like assholes. They’ve more than earned it. And they can’t deal with it. What’s that word they like to use, for people who just can’t cope? Oh yeah, I remember….

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