What should the good guys do in the wake of Barr’s infamy?

Attorney General William Barr has given up any pretense of being the attorney for the United States. He proved that he is, in essence, the lead defense attorney for President Donald Trump. Going forward, any investigation in which he exercises supervision is now tainted because of his naked display of partisanship.

Republican supporters are now thumping their chests and braying “Bring it on!”

These people think:

“Impeachment talk (daily cable news interviews with Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, Elijah Cummings and Maxine Waters) drowns out the work of the Democrats’ legislative goals and the candidates’ issues so that 2020 might not turn out the way you hope.” ¹ 

Notice how they mention the designated bogeymen, right? They’ll also rend their garments and scream about Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu) being “an anti-Semite.”

The thing is, Republicans are stuck. They need the distraction of an impeachment because they want to use that fight to rally their true believers for their 2020 campaign. The only thing that will keep Trump and a good many of his sycophants out of prison is if he remains president.

When voters see Democrats moving people-friendly policies through the House, only to have Republicans kill those bills in the Senate, it will not reflect well electorally for the GOP.

The good guys shouldn’t worry about Republican tropes, like the number of Democratic candidates. As always, the cream will rise to the top. We must focus instead on holding on to the House while capturing a majority in the Senate.

Don’t laugh, look what the GOP is gonna be running on:

  • No to helping ordinary folks.
  • Suing in court to kill insurance coverage of pre-existing conditions.
  • Railing against hordes of brown people crashing the southern border like the zombies in “World War Z.”

Meanwhile, House Democrats need only to follow the “roadmap” drawn by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, because these are investigations of actual fucking crimes. They just need to offer voters this choice:

1] A country that operates by the rule of law?


A pseudo-monarchical dictatorship?

When the weight of Republican hectoring gets you down, remember that 60 percent is a lot more than 40 percent.

¹ If you surf enough political discussion forums you get to recognize the familiar Republican talking points. Most are poorly executed cut-and-paste jobs.

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